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Plant Powered Minimalist for Under $65 a Week

You may be struggling financially or just choosing frugality in the area of groceries. In this day and age, you need your health and wits to thrive therefore you can’t afford cut corners when it come to your nutrition. Basically, it all boils down to whether you’re going to eat pharmaceutical pills or veggies for your healthcare.

How are you going to eat super healthfully with food costs soaring? How about eating for under $65 a week? I can show you how! It’s basic and simple but if you have $65 a week to designate for groceries, you can eat healthfully, inexpensively, stay full and satisfied, and get all your essential nutrients at the same time. If you can afford to spend more you can use this plan as a foundation and add more items as you prefer.

I priced these items at Walmart in Bentonville, Arkansas on June 4, 2015. Prices will vary according to store and location, and organic will be priced higher.

1. Weekly Fresh Produce $36

Here’s a great idea to start with:

(4) Bunches greens (kale, collards, etc.)

(4) Crowns of broccoli

(4) Sweet Potatoes

(1) Bag onions

(2) Pods garlic

(3) Cucumbers

(6) Roma Tomatoes

(3) Romaine lettuce

(1) 3 lb. bag of organic apples

(6) Bananas

(6) Oranges

Rotate produce every week. Don’t want oranges one week? Choose some apples, avocado, mango and bananas

instead. If you need to carry a calculator with you, do so.

2. Dry Foods Section $21

Now it’s time to head to the rice, bean and nut and seed sections. If you go to a store that has a bulk section you can choose nuts and seeds in small amounts and only choose a few different ones each week. If there is no bulk section you will have to buy fewer varieties a week but after several weeks you will have an assortment on hand.

Here are some good examples of what you could buy in a bulk section:

Rolled or steel cut oats

(8) Ounces walnuts

(8) Ounces raw sunflower seeds

(6) lbs. beans and lentils

(1) lb. whole grain brown rice

(1) lb. Rolled Oats

Canned beans are a lot more expensive but a great option if you don’t have time to go through several steps to

cook them but choose low-sodium or no-salt. Be sure to rinse them before warming.

3. Frozen Veggies, Fruits and Berries Frozen Produce – $8

Because they are picked ripe and flash frozen they are very nutrient-dense! You can use frozen veggies in soups and meals when the fresh veggies run out, and you can use the greens in fruits in your smoothies!

USDA reports as of March in 2015:

Average food cost for females per week ranged

between $47 (low-income) to $57 (moderate


Average food cost for Men ranged between $67

(low-income) to $77 (moderate income).


(1) lb. Frozen berry medley

(1) lb. Frozen chopped spinach

(18) Ounce frozen Brussels sprouts

Protein-rich Foods?

You can choose either plant or animal protein. Your best choices for plant protein are:

• Beans, peas or lentils

• Quinoa

• Nuts and seeds

Animal protein will drive up your food cost and increase your disease risk. Try to limit your animal protein to four or fewer 3 ounce servings per week. Sardines are a good source of omega 3 DHA.

Rotate what you buy so you get a broad spectrum of nutrients.

• Eat 60 % Fresh or Frozen Produce

• Raw Veggies

• Cooked Veggies

• Fruit and Berries

No, you will not go hungry, actually you will be fuller—I’ve been doing this for years. These foods fill you up, provide true energy, and you can eat them raw or cooked. For a snack, have fruit instead of an expensive bar or chips.

Beans (4 to 8 cups a day)

I know it sounds daunting but do not skimp on beans, they

are necessary for essential nutrients on this minimalist

plan!! Beans and lentils are full of protein, fiber, B

vitamins, potassium, and iron. They’re so filling that they

will even help you lose weight since you won’t be hungry

as often. They also help stabilize blood sugar.

Whole Grains (1/2 to 2 cups a day)

Buy grains in whole form. Purchase rolled oats, quinoa, millet, amaranth, farro, teff, freekah, and barley. Whole

grain is much healthier and more economical.

Nuts and Seeds (1 to 2 handfuls per day)

Let nuts and seeds be your good fat.

Let water be your drink.

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