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Your Transformation Starts Here!

Chef Robin's

Kitchen Nutrition Education



























Take the stress and confusion out of healthy eating.

Your food can be prepared fast, affordably, easy and DELICIOUS.


In a culture of toxic food, and we're so busy, how can we eat to thrive?

Do you struggle with?


Food cravings

Finding time to prepare real food

The increasing cost of healthy food

Confusion about what's truly healthy




Do you face confusion about healthy eating?


What's the truth about gluten, grains, soy and carbs?

Is our soil depleted of nutrients?

What foods are so polluted you ought to avoid them?

Can you eat out and trust what's on your plate?

Which fats are good or bad?

Are pots and pans leaching chemicals and heavy metals into your body?

Should you take probiotics and if so which ones?

Does what I eat effect my brain and mood?

Can food clear up my acne?

What's the deal with belly fat?

Why can't I lose weight?

Can a specific diet really reverse serious diseases?


Get those questions answered and more in one of Chef Robin's Kitchen Nutrition workshops or series.


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Chef Robin's Kitchen Nutrition Workshops and Series will empower you!

Save Time... Save Money... Save Your Health


Discover how you can thrive under any circumstance.


Get the essential nutrition your body craves to thrive, based on the most leading-edge scientific facts.


Enjoy plant-based eating at its finest.  This eating plan has been proven not just to help you achieve your ideal weight--but also to maintain it, and dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetics and a host of other diet related chronic diseases.


Chef Robin Jeep, an early pioneer leader in the Plant-Based eating revolution, will answer all your questions.


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Workshops and Series Include


  • Kitchen Nutrition Cooking Demonstrations and Sampling

  • Holiday Recipes

  • Motivation Nutrition Science Education

  • Personalized Nutritarian Eating Plan

  • Super Antioxidant Diet and Nutrition Guide E-Book w/ 171 recipes

  • Shop fast and Healthy Store Tour

Vibrant Wellness Social Club

When adopting a healthy lifestyle we may feel rejected because our peers do not support our new changes.  This scenario can derail our ongoing success.  Therefore, the Vibrant Wellness Social Club makes peer pressure work for us by creating a social group of like-minded supportive peers with whom individuals connect Face-to-Face during social activities.

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