Robin Jeep's
Fresh Water Pearl Jewelry

The Vision
To awaken Americans to their magnificient self-healing design.
To energize cells, revive bodies, brighten minds and bring back a zest for living! It all starts with FOOD.

Culinary Nutrition Educator/Coaching
Robin Jeep & Mark Adams
Robin Jeep is a celebrity chef and published wellness author (Super Antioxidant Diet and Nutrition Guide 2008) which she wrote with Richard Couey, PhD, Baylor University professor. She is an Educator and Nutrition Coach. Additionally, she has been a Whole Foods Market marketing director and owned natural food restaurants. As a private chef she prepared nutritious and delicious meals for celebrities, including Paul McCartney, Peter Max, Mikhail Baryshnikov and the Emmitt Smith family.
While living in Vienna and NYC she was married to an Austrian prince. At that time she honed her culinary and entertaining skills. That inspiration fueled her Vibrant Cuisine®, a delicious science-based nutrition packed cooking style.
In the seventies, as a Ford model and racehorse jockey, Robin used plant-based eating to stay strong and thin. Later, catastrophic injuries from a horseback riding accident and subsequent health issues drove Robin to discover the science behind the most powerful healing tool—a nutrient-dense diet.
She discovered world renowned whole food nutrition expert, Joel Fuhrman, MD, NY Times bestselling author and host of multiple PBS television health shows. Dr. Fuhrman saved her life with his nutritional approach to medicine. Later she landed a job as his dietary assistant, recipe developer and patient health coach. She witnessed what many people would term miraculous recoveries which were simply brought about by eating Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian food protocol. Chef Robin, together with Dr. Fuhrman were in the popular 2011 documentary “Vegucated”.
Currently, Robin is the chef in the "Gardener and Chef" team. Mark Adams, the gardener, learned about the power of fresh produce when he started organic gardening after his wife, May Belle was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Outliving the doctors’ expectations, Mark attributes her long life to their diet consisting of many freshly grown organic vegetables. After meeting Robin and becoming aware of the full impact of the current nutrition science he eliminated all animal products, subsequently dropping fifty pounds and reversing his high blood pressure.
Mark and Robin are growing, foraging, and teaching others to prepare fast, easy and delicious nutrient-dense cuisine. Their Kitchen Nutrition Education™ is a rock-solid science-based plant-rich whole food dietary alternative to trendy diet plans. They educate folks through their programs which consist of live cooking shows, shopping trips, motivational lectures, permaculture driven gardening, foraging and one-on-one coaching. Additionally, their Vibrant Cuisine LLC, a food formulation company, developed a line of whole food plant-based smoothies exclusive to Walmart with the goal of helping make eating right convenient and easy.
Robin and Mark have recently started Enliven Foods LLC, with a former Walmart buyer Chase Worthen to develop a line of whole food plant-based, grain-free muffin mixes. The muffin mixes are scheduled to launch in January 2021. They live on a farm near Joplin, Missouri eating from the garden Mark has tended for more than thirty-five years.

Nutrition & Fitness Advisor
Richard Couey, PhD
Professor Emeritus Baylor University
Dr. Couey taught Human Physiology, Human Anatomy, Biochemistry, Sports Medicine, and Nutrition at Baylor University for over 35 years. He has authored over 30 books on subjects ranging from nutrition, physical fitness, wellness, spirituality and golf. His two most recent books are: Living Longer: The Magic of Enzymes and Nutrition and The Happy Cell.
Richard was a professional baseball player for the Chicago Cubs. He earned his doctorate in Cell Physiology, and has served as an exercise physiology consultant to the U.S. Olympic Team, and is a former member of the President's Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports.
Dr. Couey continues to advise thousands of people with respect to diet and nutrition as it relates to our cellular health and well being.

Supplement & Psychology Advisor
Jim Fain, PhD
Dr. Fain’s mission is to help people live better by making smart supplement choices. He has the background and experience to recommend supplements in accordance to your needs and perscription medications.
Sixteen years ago he founded Fain’s Herbacy in Eureka Springs, Arkansas bringing a lifetime of medical and healing experience with him. Fain's Herbacy provides his premier private label effectively strong and high quality supplements;
Dr. Fain studied, conducted research and taught at the university level in California. He was Division Supervisor of Nuclear Medicine for ten years at Harbor/UCLA Medical Center and has over 25 works published in many prestigious medical journals along with physician scientists.
Dr. Fain earned a Doctorate of Psychology, with an emphases on Marriage, Family and Child Counseling. He practiced in Los Angeles for over ten years. Additionally, he received four years further training at the Gestalt Therapy Institute of los Angeles, learning a holistic approach to health and healing. As a life coach, Dr. Fain has a wealth of knowledge and experience from which to draw.